Crate linux_perf_data

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A parser for the file format.

Files of this format consist of a header, a data section, and a few other supplemental sections. The data section contains the main content of the file: a sequence of records.

There are two types of records: event records from the kernel, and “user records” from perf / simpleperf.

The jitdump module lets you parse jitdump files, which are used in conjunction with files when profiling JIT runtimes.


use linux_perf_data::{AttributeDescription, PerfFileReader, PerfFileRecord};

let file = std::fs::File::open("")?;
let reader = std::io::BufReader::new(file);
let PerfFileReader { mut perf_file, mut record_iter } = PerfFileReader::parse_file(reader)?;
let event_names: Vec<_> =
println!("perf events: {}", event_names.join(", "));

while let Some(record) = record_iter.next_record(&mut perf_file)? {
    match record {
        PerfFileRecord::EventRecord { attr_index, record } => {
            let record_type = record.record_type;
            let parsed_record = record.parse()?;
            println!("{:?} for event {}: {:?}", record_type, attr_index, parsed_record);
        PerfFileRecord::UserRecord(record) => {
            let record_type = record.record_type;
            let parsed_record = record.parse()?;
            println!("{:?}: {:?}", record_type, parsed_record);





  • A canonicalized key which can be used to cross-reference an Mmap record with an entry in the perf file’s build ID list.
  • An enum for little or big endian.
  • The error type used in this crate.
  • A record from a file’s data stream.
  • This error indicates that the data slice was not large enough to read the respective item.
  • Type-specif info inside a SimpleperfFileRecord.
  • A record emitted by a user space tool, for example by perf or by simpleperf.