elasticsearch 8.5.0-alpha.1

Official Elasticsearch Rust client
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// -----------------------------------------------
// This file is generated, Please do not edit it manually.
// Run the following in the root of the repo to regenerate:
// cargo make generate-api
// -----------------------------------------------

//! Dangling Index APIs
//! If Elasticsearch encounters index data that is absent from the current cluster state,
//! those indices are considered to be _dangling_. For example, this can happen if you delete
//! more than `cluster.indices.tombstones.size` number of indices while an Elasticsearch node
//! is offline.
//! The dangling indices APIs can list, import and delete dangling indices.

use crate::{
        headers::{HeaderMap, HeaderName, HeaderValue, ACCEPT, CONTENT_TYPE},
        request::{Body, JsonBody, NdBody, PARTS_ENCODED},
use percent_encoding::percent_encode;
use serde::Serialize;
use std::{borrow::Cow, time::Duration};
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
#[doc = "API parts for the Dangling Indices Delete Dangling Index API"]
pub enum DanglingIndicesDeleteDanglingIndexParts<'b> {
    #[doc = "IndexUuid"]
    IndexUuid(&'b str),
impl<'b> DanglingIndicesDeleteDanglingIndexParts<'b> {
    #[doc = "Builds a relative URL path to the Dangling Indices Delete Dangling Index API"]
    pub fn url(self) -> Cow<'static, str> {
        match self {
            DanglingIndicesDeleteDanglingIndexParts::IndexUuid(ref index_uuid) => {
                let encoded_index_uuid: Cow<str> =
                    percent_encode(index_uuid.as_bytes(), PARTS_ENCODED).into();
                let mut p = String::with_capacity(11usize + encoded_index_uuid.len());
#[doc = "Builder for the [Dangling Indices Delete Dangling Index API](https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/8.5/modules-gateway-dangling-indices.html)\n\nDeletes the specified dangling index"]
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct DanglingIndicesDeleteDanglingIndex<'a, 'b> {
    transport: &'a Transport,
    parts: DanglingIndicesDeleteDanglingIndexParts<'b>,
    accept_data_loss: Option<bool>,
    error_trace: Option<bool>,
    filter_path: Option<&'b [&'b str]>,
    headers: HeaderMap,
    human: Option<bool>,
    master_timeout: Option<&'b str>,
    pretty: Option<bool>,
    request_timeout: Option<Duration>,
    source: Option<&'b str>,
    timeout: Option<&'b str>,
impl<'a, 'b> DanglingIndicesDeleteDanglingIndex<'a, 'b> {
    #[doc = "Creates a new instance of [DanglingIndicesDeleteDanglingIndex] with the specified API parts"]
    pub fn new(
        transport: &'a Transport,
        parts: DanglingIndicesDeleteDanglingIndexParts<'b>,
    ) -> Self {
        let headers = HeaderMap::new();
        DanglingIndicesDeleteDanglingIndex {
            accept_data_loss: None,
            error_trace: None,
            filter_path: None,
            human: None,
            master_timeout: None,
            pretty: None,
            request_timeout: None,
            source: None,
            timeout: None,
    #[doc = "Must be set to true in order to delete the dangling index"]
    pub fn accept_data_loss(mut self, accept_data_loss: bool) -> Self {
        self.accept_data_loss = Some(accept_data_loss);
    #[doc = "Include the stack trace of returned errors."]
    pub fn error_trace(mut self, error_trace: bool) -> Self {
        self.error_trace = Some(error_trace);
    #[doc = "A comma-separated list of filters used to reduce the response."]
    pub fn filter_path(mut self, filter_path: &'b [&'b str]) -> Self {
        self.filter_path = Some(filter_path);
    #[doc = "Adds a HTTP header"]
    pub fn header(mut self, key: HeaderName, value: HeaderValue) -> Self {
        self.headers.insert(key, value);
    #[doc = "Return human readable values for statistics."]
    pub fn human(mut self, human: bool) -> Self {
        self.human = Some(human);
    #[doc = "Specify timeout for connection to master"]
    pub fn master_timeout(mut self, master_timeout: &'b str) -> Self {
        self.master_timeout = Some(master_timeout);
    #[doc = "Pretty format the returned JSON response."]
    pub fn pretty(mut self, pretty: bool) -> Self {
        self.pretty = Some(pretty);
    #[doc = "Sets a request timeout for this API call.\n\nThe timeout is applied from when the request starts connecting until the response body has finished."]
    pub fn request_timeout(mut self, timeout: Duration) -> Self {
        self.request_timeout = Some(timeout);
    #[doc = "The URL-encoded request definition. Useful for libraries that do not accept a request body for non-POST requests."]
    pub fn source(mut self, source: &'b str) -> Self {
        self.source = Some(source);
    #[doc = "Explicit operation timeout"]
    pub fn timeout(mut self, timeout: &'b str) -> Self {
        self.timeout = Some(timeout);
    #[doc = "Creates an asynchronous call to the Dangling Indices Delete Dangling Index API that can be awaited"]
    pub async fn send(self) -> Result<Response, Error> {
        let path = self.parts.url();
        let method = Method::Delete;
        let headers = self.headers;
        let timeout = self.request_timeout;
        let query_string = {
            struct QueryParams<'b> {
                accept_data_loss: Option<bool>,
                error_trace: Option<bool>,
                #[serde(serialize_with = "crate::client::serialize_coll_qs")]
                filter_path: Option<&'b [&'b str]>,
                human: Option<bool>,
                master_timeout: Option<&'b str>,
                pretty: Option<bool>,
                source: Option<&'b str>,
                timeout: Option<&'b str>,
            let query_params = QueryParams {
                accept_data_loss: self.accept_data_loss,
                error_trace: self.error_trace,
                filter_path: self.filter_path,
                human: self.human,
                master_timeout: self.master_timeout,
                pretty: self.pretty,
                source: self.source,
                timeout: self.timeout,
        let body = Option::<()>::None;
        let response = self
            .send(method, &path, headers, query_string.as_ref(), body, timeout)
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
#[doc = "API parts for the Dangling Indices Import Dangling Index API"]
pub enum DanglingIndicesImportDanglingIndexParts<'b> {
    #[doc = "IndexUuid"]
    IndexUuid(&'b str),
impl<'b> DanglingIndicesImportDanglingIndexParts<'b> {
    #[doc = "Builds a relative URL path to the Dangling Indices Import Dangling Index API"]
    pub fn url(self) -> Cow<'static, str> {
        match self {
            DanglingIndicesImportDanglingIndexParts::IndexUuid(ref index_uuid) => {
                let encoded_index_uuid: Cow<str> =
                    percent_encode(index_uuid.as_bytes(), PARTS_ENCODED).into();
                let mut p = String::with_capacity(11usize + encoded_index_uuid.len());
#[doc = "Builder for the [Dangling Indices Import Dangling Index API](https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/8.5/modules-gateway-dangling-indices.html)\n\nImports the specified dangling index"]
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct DanglingIndicesImportDanglingIndex<'a, 'b, B> {
    transport: &'a Transport,
    parts: DanglingIndicesImportDanglingIndexParts<'b>,
    accept_data_loss: Option<bool>,
    body: Option<B>,
    error_trace: Option<bool>,
    filter_path: Option<&'b [&'b str]>,
    headers: HeaderMap,
    human: Option<bool>,
    master_timeout: Option<&'b str>,
    pretty: Option<bool>,
    request_timeout: Option<Duration>,
    source: Option<&'b str>,
    timeout: Option<&'b str>,
impl<'a, 'b, B> DanglingIndicesImportDanglingIndex<'a, 'b, B>
    B: Body,
    #[doc = "Creates a new instance of [DanglingIndicesImportDanglingIndex] with the specified API parts"]
    pub fn new(
        transport: &'a Transport,
        parts: DanglingIndicesImportDanglingIndexParts<'b>,
    ) -> Self {
        let headers = HeaderMap::new();
        DanglingIndicesImportDanglingIndex {
            accept_data_loss: None,
            body: None,
            error_trace: None,
            filter_path: None,
            human: None,
            master_timeout: None,
            pretty: None,
            request_timeout: None,
            source: None,
            timeout: None,
    #[doc = "Must be set to true in order to import the dangling index"]
    pub fn accept_data_loss(mut self, accept_data_loss: bool) -> Self {
        self.accept_data_loss = Some(accept_data_loss);
    #[doc = "The body for the API call"]
    pub fn body<T>(self, body: T) -> DanglingIndicesImportDanglingIndex<'a, 'b, JsonBody<T>>
        T: Serialize,
        DanglingIndicesImportDanglingIndex {
            transport: self.transport,
            parts: self.parts,
            body: Some(body.into()),
            accept_data_loss: self.accept_data_loss,
            error_trace: self.error_trace,
            filter_path: self.filter_path,
            headers: self.headers,
            human: self.human,
            master_timeout: self.master_timeout,
            pretty: self.pretty,
            request_timeout: self.request_timeout,
            source: self.source,
            timeout: self.timeout,
    #[doc = "Include the stack trace of returned errors."]
    pub fn error_trace(mut self, error_trace: bool) -> Self {
        self.error_trace = Some(error_trace);
    #[doc = "A comma-separated list of filters used to reduce the response."]
    pub fn filter_path(mut self, filter_path: &'b [&'b str]) -> Self {
        self.filter_path = Some(filter_path);
    #[doc = "Adds a HTTP header"]
    pub fn header(mut self, key: HeaderName, value: HeaderValue) -> Self {
        self.headers.insert(key, value);
    #[doc = "Return human readable values for statistics."]
    pub fn human(mut self, human: bool) -> Self {
        self.human = Some(human);
    #[doc = "Specify timeout for connection to master"]
    pub fn master_timeout(mut self, master_timeout: &'b str) -> Self {
        self.master_timeout = Some(master_timeout);
    #[doc = "Pretty format the returned JSON response."]
    pub fn pretty(mut self, pretty: bool) -> Self {
        self.pretty = Some(pretty);
    #[doc = "Sets a request timeout for this API call.\n\nThe timeout is applied from when the request starts connecting until the response body has finished."]
    pub fn request_timeout(mut self, timeout: Duration) -> Self {
        self.request_timeout = Some(timeout);
    #[doc = "The URL-encoded request definition. Useful for libraries that do not accept a request body for non-POST requests."]
    pub fn source(mut self, source: &'b str) -> Self {
        self.source = Some(source);
    #[doc = "Explicit operation timeout"]
    pub fn timeout(mut self, timeout: &'b str) -> Self {
        self.timeout = Some(timeout);
    #[doc = "Creates an asynchronous call to the Dangling Indices Import Dangling Index API that can be awaited"]
    pub async fn send(self) -> Result<Response, Error> {
        let path = self.parts.url();
        let method = Method::Post;
        let headers = self.headers;
        let timeout = self.request_timeout;
        let query_string = {
            struct QueryParams<'b> {
                accept_data_loss: Option<bool>,
                error_trace: Option<bool>,
                #[serde(serialize_with = "crate::client::serialize_coll_qs")]
                filter_path: Option<&'b [&'b str]>,
                human: Option<bool>,
                master_timeout: Option<&'b str>,
                pretty: Option<bool>,
                source: Option<&'b str>,
                timeout: Option<&'b str>,
            let query_params = QueryParams {
                accept_data_loss: self.accept_data_loss,
                error_trace: self.error_trace,
                filter_path: self.filter_path,
                human: self.human,
                master_timeout: self.master_timeout,
                pretty: self.pretty,
                source: self.source,
                timeout: self.timeout,
        let body = self.body;
        let response = self
            .send(method, &path, headers, query_string.as_ref(), body, timeout)
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
#[doc = "API parts for the Dangling Indices List Dangling Indices API"]
pub enum DanglingIndicesListDanglingIndicesParts {
    #[doc = "No parts"]
impl DanglingIndicesListDanglingIndicesParts {
    #[doc = "Builds a relative URL path to the Dangling Indices List Dangling Indices API"]
    pub fn url(self) -> Cow<'static, str> {
        match self {
            DanglingIndicesListDanglingIndicesParts::None => "/_dangling".into(),
#[doc = "Builder for the [Dangling Indices List Dangling Indices API](https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/8.5/modules-gateway-dangling-indices.html)\n\nReturns all dangling indices."]
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct DanglingIndicesListDanglingIndices<'a, 'b> {
    transport: &'a Transport,
    parts: DanglingIndicesListDanglingIndicesParts,
    error_trace: Option<bool>,
    filter_path: Option<&'b [&'b str]>,
    headers: HeaderMap,
    human: Option<bool>,
    pretty: Option<bool>,
    request_timeout: Option<Duration>,
    source: Option<&'b str>,
impl<'a, 'b> DanglingIndicesListDanglingIndices<'a, 'b> {
    #[doc = "Creates a new instance of [DanglingIndicesListDanglingIndices]"]
    pub fn new(transport: &'a Transport) -> Self {
        let headers = HeaderMap::new();
        DanglingIndicesListDanglingIndices {
            parts: DanglingIndicesListDanglingIndicesParts::None,
            error_trace: None,
            filter_path: None,
            human: None,
            pretty: None,
            request_timeout: None,
            source: None,
    #[doc = "Include the stack trace of returned errors."]
    pub fn error_trace(mut self, error_trace: bool) -> Self {
        self.error_trace = Some(error_trace);
    #[doc = "A comma-separated list of filters used to reduce the response."]
    pub fn filter_path(mut self, filter_path: &'b [&'b str]) -> Self {
        self.filter_path = Some(filter_path);
    #[doc = "Adds a HTTP header"]
    pub fn header(mut self, key: HeaderName, value: HeaderValue) -> Self {
        self.headers.insert(key, value);
    #[doc = "Return human readable values for statistics."]
    pub fn human(mut self, human: bool) -> Self {
        self.human = Some(human);
    #[doc = "Pretty format the returned JSON response."]
    pub fn pretty(mut self, pretty: bool) -> Self {
        self.pretty = Some(pretty);
    #[doc = "Sets a request timeout for this API call.\n\nThe timeout is applied from when the request starts connecting until the response body has finished."]
    pub fn request_timeout(mut self, timeout: Duration) -> Self {
        self.request_timeout = Some(timeout);
    #[doc = "The URL-encoded request definition. Useful for libraries that do not accept a request body for non-POST requests."]
    pub fn source(mut self, source: &'b str) -> Self {
        self.source = Some(source);
    #[doc = "Creates an asynchronous call to the Dangling Indices List Dangling Indices API that can be awaited"]
    pub async fn send(self) -> Result<Response, Error> {
        let path = self.parts.url();
        let method = Method::Get;
        let headers = self.headers;
        let timeout = self.request_timeout;
        let query_string = {
            struct QueryParams<'b> {
                error_trace: Option<bool>,
                #[serde(serialize_with = "crate::client::serialize_coll_qs")]
                filter_path: Option<&'b [&'b str]>,
                human: Option<bool>,
                pretty: Option<bool>,
                source: Option<&'b str>,
            let query_params = QueryParams {
                error_trace: self.error_trace,
                filter_path: self.filter_path,
                human: self.human,
                pretty: self.pretty,
                source: self.source,
        let body = Option::<()>::None;
        let response = self
            .send(method, &path, headers, query_string.as_ref(), body, timeout)
#[doc = "Namespace client for DanglingIndices APIs"]
pub struct DanglingIndices<'a> {
    transport: &'a Transport,
impl<'a> DanglingIndices<'a> {
    #[doc = "Creates a new instance of [DanglingIndices]"]
    pub fn new(transport: &'a Transport) -> Self {
        Self { transport }
    pub fn transport(&self) -> &Transport {
    #[doc = "[Dangling Indices Delete Dangling Index API](https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/8.5/modules-gateway-dangling-indices.html)\n\nDeletes the specified dangling index"]
    pub fn delete_dangling_index<'b>(
        &'a self,
        parts: DanglingIndicesDeleteDanglingIndexParts<'b>,
    ) -> DanglingIndicesDeleteDanglingIndex<'a, 'b> {
        DanglingIndicesDeleteDanglingIndex::new(self.transport(), parts)
    #[doc = "[Dangling Indices Import Dangling Index API](https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/8.5/modules-gateway-dangling-indices.html)\n\nImports the specified dangling index"]
    pub fn import_dangling_index<'b>(
        &'a self,
        parts: DanglingIndicesImportDanglingIndexParts<'b>,
    ) -> DanglingIndicesImportDanglingIndex<'a, 'b, ()> {
        DanglingIndicesImportDanglingIndex::new(self.transport(), parts)
    #[doc = "[Dangling Indices List Dangling Indices API](https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/8.5/modules-gateway-dangling-indices.html)\n\nReturns all dangling indices."]
    pub fn list_dangling_indices<'b>(&'a self) -> DanglingIndicesListDanglingIndices<'a, 'b> {
impl Elasticsearch {
    #[doc = "Creates a namespace client for DanglingIndices APIs"]
    pub fn dangling_indices(&self) -> DanglingIndices {