textwrap 0.2.0

Library for word wrapping strings.


Textwrap is a small Rust crate for word wrapping strings. You can use it to format strings for display in commandline applications.


Add this to your Cargo.toml:

textwrap = "0.2"

and this to your crate root:

extern crate textwrap;


API documentation

Strings are wrapped based on their displayed width, not their size in bytes. For ASCII characters such as a and !, the displayed with is the same as the number of bytes used to UTF-8 encode the character (one character takes up one byte). However, non-ASCII characters and symbols take up more than one byte: é is 0xc3 0xa9 and is 0xe2 0x9a 0x99 in UTF-8, respectively. This means that relying solely on the string length in bytes would give incorrect results.


The library comes with a small example program that shows how a fixed example string is wrapped at different widths:

$ cargo run --example layout
.--- Width: 15 ---.
| Memory safety   |
| without garbage |
| collection.     |
| Concurrency     |
| without data    |
| races. Zero-    |
| cost            |
| abstractions.   |
.--- Width: 16 ----.
| Memory safety    |
| without garbage  |
| collection.      |
| Concurrency      |
| without data     |
| races. Zero-cost |
| abstractions.    |
# ...
.---------------- Width: 41 ----------------.
| Memory safety without garbage collection. |
| Concurrency without data races. Zero-cost |
| abstractions.                             |
.---------------------- Width: 53 ----------------------.
| Memory safety without garbage collection. Concurrency |
| without data races. Zero-cost abstractions.           |